Hai mai pensato di collezionare carillon?  Fatti a mano e colorati con terre naturali, senza utilizzare vernici, perché tutti li possano toccare. I carillon da collezione sono dei regali speciali, unici, che ti rimarranno per sempre dove tradizione e innovazione si uniscono grazie all’artigiano-designer Andrea Savattieri.

Scopri i carillon da collezione selezionati, ognuno di loro racconta una storia.

  • Personal archipelago
    My land is where I rest my feet   A Sicilian family emigrated in Australia, turned to me for a personalised creation, driven by the wish to bring some of our wonderful land with them. Their nostalgia inspired me this music box that, thanks to the power of imagination, move these two different and distant places closer: a couple and a kangaroo live the islands above a sea of notes.
  • Car(D)illon
    London images and notes     Music box meant for a person living in London, who wished to represent his new city. A “cardillon” came out: a postcard within a carillon. It could be the first music box of a series portraying the cities of my customers.
  • Colourmotive
    I want a train loaded with colours     A father wanted to give his son a music box, but the boy was crazy about toy trains. It seemed to him to have made an irreconcilable request, nevertheless playing with geometrical shapes, I managed to create a little stylised train full of colours. I only ask the customer to express his wish, then it is up to me to give it a shape!  
  • To photo-graph
    Write with the light
        Created for a photographer, this music box depicts her main instrument, a vintage camera: “the camera is a sort of professor: it teaches me to understand the world, to see how things come together. It teaches me to remember the past because it makes me look back. I obey from time to time, but not always. It’s like a person”. Arno Rafael Minkkinen
  • Ice creaaaaaam!!!
    A peddler, three wheels and more flavours
        By now, ice cream carts are rare in Italian and European metropolis. They were one of the symbols of products “made in Italy” exported abroad as a consequence of Italian emigration. When a mother from Palermo requested me a music box for her daughter, which would bring her back in time, I remembered an ancient photo I had seen in a café, portraying an ice cream seller and his cart: a vintage yet romantic idea.
  • The hot-air baloon
    Together as concentric circles
        A girl wished something unique for her friends, a music box that recalled freedom… Who hasn’t dreamt to fly and to do it together with beloved people? I imagined them on a hot-air balloon, weightless and timeless, like if they were hanging on the sky, in the world where birds plunge their wings into the clouds.    

Guarda come viene creato

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Andrea Savattieri

Nasce a San Cataldo (CL) nel 1982. Trascorre la sua infanzia nell’assolata terra natale mescolandosi tra i profumi della zagara e l’aroma inconfondibile del legno. La formazione e la passione per l’arte, infatti, nascono sin da giovanissimo, osservando la madre restaurare e misurandosi nel tempo con pennelli, colori, creta e cartapesta.


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